Monday, October 6, 2008

What happens in our day ~

From bottle washing, diaper stacking, formula making, & feeding schedules not to mention LAUNDRY .... I mean lots of laundry. well here is a little look at our new day of supplies...........

1.) Diapers - this is an idea of 2 1/2 weeks worth of use. It takes 240-260 diapers per week to cover this issue.

2.) My daily bottle making for the 4 babies and storage. On average it takes my help 1 hour to complete this task which entails washing yesterdays bottles, refilling them, than storing them into the mini fridge. We make enough bottles to feed from 11 am that day to 11 am the next. That would equal =28 bottles per day. Then we use them and refill the gray tub by the sink with empty bottles. It always amazes me how fast it fills up (the grey tub) and how much volume we use daily to keep these little ones fed.

As the laundry continues to cycle (another never ending process) I am taken back by the help and generosity I need that seems to come just when I'm thinking "how am I going to do all of this....."

what a blessing it is to just unlock your front door and know that someone will be coming to our rescue. The surprising thing is that they are happy to come..................... and I am thrilled to have them ............. I'm hoping they will enjoy coming for months maybe years ...................

Although my house will never be they way it was before the quads arrived ...... I can actually say my house is filled with love and the hard work that is never ending and by the end of the day the accomplishments are seen by the smiles and full bellies of these four precious miracles. Thanks to my help I am able to seem organized and less chaotic .............. a much needed boost to my ego.

Well here is a schedule of my day to day activities :

7am -9am feed for 2 hours ( 1/2 hour per baby) my help arrives at 7:30-8:00 a.m. to help feed, start washing bottles, dress the older boys, round up my laundry and/or get me geared up for the new day. At 9:30 I evaluate what needs to still get started and help out once the babies are full and resting .. Usually a good cup of coffee is needed ........ funny I never drank coffee before the Quads were here .

Breakfast is usually fast or missed that day and it is never peaceful. If I get a chance I will try to get a shower in, but I'm usually too busy folding laundry, getting supplies, running after Kyle or Jason or socializing with the help for the day. My day seems structured do to the babies schedule, but actually each day is different and unplanned on activities to accomplish. Mainly I try to complete one task that may have been the task I wanted to accomplish the day(s) prior for example .......... clean the bathrooms or vacuum...etc.. I used to be a freak about cleaning and straightening up ............ it's just my nature but I can see how much I've already relaxed over the last 2 months about my house ....... funny thing is .......its because I physically can't do anymore I'm actually too tired.. and lately would rather socialize and enjoy the babies instead..

~So let the work and the dust settle ............ and enjoy the miracles of my day ~

Molly, Jason(4), Cole, Meghan, Kurt, & Kyle(2)

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